Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My own canto

So in my English class, we learned Dantes Inferno. For a project we had to make a canto of our own. I put hipsters in my canto. We had to make it in terza rima, such as Dante did. But I also made mine rhyme. I want to share it with you all.
Here it is.

Hipster Hell

I looked upon this newest world
in a circle so obscure
it's name I had never even heard.

Where they dressed in terry robes
plain and white as paper be:
they paid for their scorn.

This level carried all the hipsters,
I approached one warily and with
caution asked, "Excuse me mister."

Frightened, he had suddenly shouted
"Who goes there?" At quick glance
I saw that his vision was clouded.

He squinted, saying, "I cannot see
but a trifle." Focusing, the man
asked, "And who might you be?"

I told him quickly and asked of
this level of Hell that I was now in.
He pointed hurriedly above.

He spoke, "If you had judged
your fellow friends, then well
pal, you are now fudged.

If all that you had cared for
was to be haughty well then
you shall regret feeling superior.

I, along with many others
had spent our life judgmental
and scornful of our brothers.

I thought myself better
with my scarves and my blogs.
Now all that I am is just a regretter.

I now pay for my hipster crimes
with monstrous torture and horrible
punishments for the rest of time.

Up the rocky mountains you spy
there is all of the newest
computers, but void of wifi.

We dwell upon this mountainous range
we are all dressed as equals
no one different or strange.

Within the pits between these mounts
we can climb down to a place
 of skinny jeans- massive amounts.

But if we try to touch
these magical clothing, they run
away and give us no warmth.

Next to this  skinny jean pit lies
a burning hot latte river that is
flavored like those wretched pumpkin pies."

He scowled but I felt no pity for his sinning
I walked up towards the mountain
peak, practically grinning.

After treading the hills I reached
the cyber café with all its complex
computers, yet to be breached.

They shined and they glistened
like Paradise must be to a man
close to death who suddenly breathed.

But the man cannot reach this shining
and mystical salvation so near,
so he goes about sulking and whining.

I turned to my guide who began
to speak. I rolled my eyes at
his irksome explanations again.

I watched the robed men reach upon
the machines with a small hope
but alas, there was none.

I watched pitilessly for these hipsters, I too hate.
I do not feel sadness for these men who
 felt so very high, superior and great.

As I followed my guide along to the next zone
I watched the man that I conversed with
look  at me as he moaned,

"We thought we were great
we thought we were so cool
but all that we did was utterly hate."

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