Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Arthur Conan Doyle. Synonymous today with the greatest mystery detective ever known. Sherlock Holmes. And we cant forget his sidekick/blogger (Depending on the version you prefer). He is amazing and incredible. He can tell you if you are a boxer by looking at your nose. He can solve a crime without leaving his flat. He is positively incredible. If you do not have a massive love for Sherlock Holmes -or Benedict Cumberbatch- then you are lying to yourself.
"If you value your life or your reason, keep away from the moor" That ia my favorite Sherlock Holmes quotation.
The game is afoot. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Advice from the author of Order of Odd-Fish

I recently read an absurdist book. It was weird, as expected. I was given it at this program I did called CTD at Northwestern. That stands for Center of Talent Development, where you are supposed to nurture a specific talent or interest. I was in creative writing. Don't get me wrong it was a terrific program....but all we did was write stories. I loved it.
Anyways back to the book. It's called the Order of Odd-Fish. Its  tale about a girl, Jo, who was found with a note that said she was dangerous. The story goes on to Jo and a talking cockroach , her aunt and a strange man go off to Odd-Fish where she hides a terrible secret. 
I actually met the author -he was a teacher at CTD. He gave us some advice and insight as to how he wrote the book that I figured I should share.
This can go into the advice part of this blog.

1) Don't mix work with pleasure
If you spend too much time learning the inner workings and pieces of literature, you will later become not interested in it and go into something else. If you focus too intently on a subject, you will eventually lose interest.
2)When deciding upon sidekick names try to stick to three letter ones.
Ex: Han (Star Wars), Ron (Harry Potter) etc.
3) When deciding upon a name for the protagonist, don't pick something that the readers will tire of.
For this particular book, Jo. (It is short)
4)When editing, try to shorten the book as much as possible. If something can be removed. Remove it.

That is all I currently remember.
Now don;t just sit there. Go write a book or something!

They are my friends

I call books my paper friends.

The Moonstone mystery

This week in the "Weekly Online Book Club of Doom" -I may need to change the name- is in the midst of The Moonstone. I am halfway through the book and something confuses me. A review on the back by T.S. Elliot says that is was the first detective novel ever. There is no publication date I can find. The book is obliviously new, I got it in Barnes and Noble for twenty bucks, no way it is a valuable relic. So is it just a reprinting of an old book or a new book made to seem like it was written in the 1800s. Does anyone know?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The weekly comics

I want to make a weekly comic about books or reading. I think I'll make it every Friday. So expect a comic weekly. Im so excited. I've really been wanting to do this. I hope everyone likes them.

Monday, January 20, 2014

This made my day.

So I bought this book, the Moonstone, which I have yet to read but when I opened it I noticed something. So the story is old. Not that the book is old, its quite new, but the story is from the time of Charles Dickens. The cover is made to look old and all but the pages..the pages are even better. They are spotted. Not like polka dots or anything. But they are made to look like they have water marks from years of use. I didn't even realize it until I looked closely. Its so neat.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


So I am currently chilling (its a pun since it ia utterly freezing here) in Boston. I am here to college shop. For those of you  unaware, this means that I am looking and touring colleges. College is a tough subject. I have no idea as to what I want to do or major in. Poetry or nuclear physics. Philosophy or calculus. I have literally no clue. I wish I could major in books and just read for a living.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Truly tragic

I hate being bored and bookless.


You know, online reading is quite harder than regular reading. If I read something via the internet than I need to read it a few times to actually comprehend it. Not with a physical book, only an article or essay online. Interesting.

Reading requires focus, calm

Okay so I am a very hyperactive person always running, jumping, walking, flying. I can almost never hold still. I feel like I constantly need something  do. Sometimes  my boredom will lash out in peculiar things. For instance I organized all my Q tips out of boredom. I need to DO something, always. Everything makes me hyper. I am that person that freaks out when a TV show I like has a plot twist. Ill go jumping up and down. You can imagine me during every episode of Sherlock. But with books, books are truly amazing. I can not only hold still and utterly focused but I can become absorbed. Literally, reading is the only time I can be still. But when a book has a mad plot twist I will get up and freak out a little.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A specific need

You know what is hard, picking out what book to read. Finding one to match your mood. If I am in the mood to read Sherlock Holmes, I will. But if I am in the mood to read Nancy Drew, I can't read anything else. I NEED to read what I am in the mood for.

Delving into my hatred of the end of Divergent

I think I realized why before I was so upset at the ending of the Divergent books. So the whole time it was from Tris' perspective. The last book switched on and off form Tris to Tobias. But when Tris died, it wasn't even from Tobias's perspective, it was from what would have been Tris's perspective. That is not okay. That is cruel and it makes me uncomfortable. It....its not right. Its just not right.

The quirks of Maximum Ride

Can I just talk about the Maximum Ride series for a second, if no one else will.
I am just so confused by the books.
A lot of the information seems off, almost as if the author forgot he mentioned something previously or the physics go wrong for a moment.
For instance, I am absolutely positive that that the fact that Iggy can feel colors was mentioned in one of the first books, but I distinctly remember them all finding out in either the third or fourth book, when they are in the Arctic.
I spent a few minutes utterly confused. Didnt they already know.
Also they kind of broke physics in one book.
 I distinctly remember Max taking that tracking chip out of her arm and losing all ability in that arm. But then she wakes up later to find no chip in her arm and regaining all ability in that arm. It is confusing all together, but I do belive that she actually did take the chip out of her arm. Leaving me to wonder, how? 
Thats not possible. Originally, it was unclear if that had all been a dream, but it was revealed that it wasnt. Shouldn't her arm still be unable to move. The scientific capability to restore her arm has only recently been progressing, even the scientists in the School wouldnt have been able to fix her arm.
The books are great but sometimes.I think the author forgot what happened and repeated it and became a little confused about certain things. 

Also the series ended on sevral odd notes. First the whole book basically yelling at you to save the earth and beware of pollution and global warming. Then there was the fact that the series ended by killing off all of the planet. Leaving only Max, Angel and Maxs two boyfriends to frolic as they please. I mean, that is no way to.end a book, shame on you.


Sorry for the long hiatus. I had midterms. Ill try to post a lot from now on.
Sorry, I owe you all.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It makes you anything is possible.

The best thing in the world is getting lost in a row of books upon hundreds of rows of books in a seemingly endless library.
Nothing is netter, do not bother arguing.

A rant on the treatment of mental illnesses

This has nothing to do with reading or books. Feel free to get angry at me since I strayed from my theme. In fact, I encourage it. Feelings are necessary to actually feel. If this is the one disappointment on a day of horror and  you just want to yell or cry or break something, then do it. Don't hold your feelings in, let it out, let it go. Express yourself. Anyways, as I was going to say... I want to say something.
I have a few mental issues, these issues get in my way sometimes but I try to overpower them and keep them in check. People get irritated by my issues sometimes, like if I have to stop everything and hold my head since it feels like it will explode, they will tell me to hurry along. Or if  my ADD kicks in and I don't hear a word someone says they will clearly get annoyed. Most people are only sensitive to issues in the mind if they are visible issues, like Tourettes syndrome. Otherwise people treat you like a child who just wants attention. My question is that how is it that the most important, valued and delicate part of our body (the brain) is valued so low when it comes to conditions. The brain is irreplaceable, that's why we try to nurture and protect it. So how come when there's an issue related to the brain, even a psychosomatic disorder, people treat it with such impatience, it seems to me that tany mental issue should be treated with more concern, not less.

So wonderful

Yay! Its around 50  degrees out. I live in Flordia so that's freezing around here. Perfect reading weather. Be cozy all!

In the Library !

I wish I could go around and fix every library in the world.
To add more books and nooks and crannys.
But I also yearn for the library of Alexandria so......I dont know how realistic my goals are.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The right feel to it

When I read I have to have the correct atmosphere. One light in a dark room (candle or not), hot chocolate, those snugly things. Does anyone else need this?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Perhaps not my best idea

I lent a friend The Fault in our Stars.
She didn't know it was a sad book.
I'm a monster.


We have reached over 1,00 readers. Thank you for your love of reading.

The divergent series.

I just finished Allegiant, from the Divergent series and I need to vent.
The first book was really good, thes econd ended on a plot twist, but the third...the third.

Okay, now for those of you who do not care about or have read the book....
I can not believe the ending! They killed off Tris. You can't just kill off the main charterer.
That breaks the unspoken agreement between author and reader. Here is the agreement:
1) You explain all dilemmas and secrets in full unless there is another book, in which you must explain it there.
2) If I get connected to your charterer then I am entitled to a back-story of a sort.
3) You are not allowed to kill off the main charchter without a proper ending.
5) I am reading this book, you have to space out exciting events and notshovealltheplottwiststogtherlikeso.
6) I am entitled to an at least decent ending. Do not get lazy by the end. Do not.
Alligiant broke too many of these rules to be acceptable.
Not nice, Divergent series. Not nice.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

I hope so


Thursday, January 2, 2014

This is for you my lovely readers!

Our modernday snow queen.Shoutout to Disney for bringing the children of today into the land of fairytales.